Edafomichaniki S.A. is a privately owned leading consultant in the field of Ground Engineering working both in Greece and World
Edafomichaniki S.A. operates an open and honest approach with all of our clients, whatever the project. We treat each client as an individual and listen to them to understand all their specific requirements

Geotechnical Consulting

Provides expert consultancy, testing and analysis to solve geotechnical problems regardless of their complexity or location . . .
Site Investigations

Site Investigations include the performance of sampling boreholes (on and off-shore), investigation pits and site tests of soil and rock mechanics . . .

Geological Services

The activities of the Geological Services of our company include the tasks such as: Desk Studies, Field Works, Geophysical exploration, Tectonic and Neotectonic measurements and investigations . . .
Geo Environmental Services

Site Investigations include the performance of sampling boreholes (on and off-shore), investigation pits and site tests of soil and rock mechanics

In-Situ Testing

A wide range of in-situ testing and sampling making use of a range of in-house resources
Laboratory Testing

For more than 40 years the testing laboratory, serves clients on a national and international basis

Contact us

Em. Papadaki 19, N. Iraklio, Athens, 14121
Tel:. +30 210 2709600
Fax: +30 210 2709625
Email: edafo@edafomichaniki.gr
G.E.MI. number: 004087801000